Saturday, 21 July 2012

Break from Dredd

Taking a break from 2000ad kits for the moment and building the Predator Death Warrior.
The blog dedicated to this can be found here.

Friday, 13 July 2012

Sunday, 8 July 2012

And another Blackblood

Here's another Blackblood completed.
This time he's in the colours from the latest ABC Warriors stories by Pat Mills and Clint Langley.

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Another Joe Pineapples

Here's another Joe pineapples completed this time with red pants.
For you Guy.

Sunday, 27 May 2012

General Blackblood done

I've finished General Blackblood.
I went with the Khronicles Of Chaos version, with the white hat and boot.
The metallic green I made from vallejo metallic base. Then dirtied down with pastels.
The white areas were painted taupe, then highlighted off white and dirtied down with pastels.
I wanted Blackblood to come across as treacherous hence dirtying down.
The base has been painted fairly non-descipt so as to not draw away from the figure.
Next up, more Joes.



                                                Here he is with his companion Joe Pineapples

Friday, 25 May 2012


Before continuing on with another commissioned Joe Pineapples, and my own, I'm going to paint Blackblood.
Best thing to do I think as doing the same kit over and over could create a burn out.

Joe Pineapples No. 2

Here's another Joe Pineapples kit I was commissioned to do.
I was requested to give him ''pink knickers'' to highlight Joe's cross dressing attitude, so that's what I did.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

What Colour Shall I do Blackblood?

As with all the Warriors there colours change depending on who draws them.
I was going to do Blackblood in his red hat attire but then he has a red robe too so it doesn't really match. Once I noticed all the skulls there were on the hat's cloth I bottled it anyway.
I'm going to do him metallic green with his white epaulets and boots I think.

Blackblood work starts

Whilst waiting for Joe to dry off I thought I may as well start Blackblood.
Here he is basically assembled.
The casting was so good I just had to quickly rub off the seam line with a file and wet and dry paper.
I then drilled into the arms and leg, added the metal pins for strength and glued with 5 min epoxy.
The mouth is just on for effect, I'll glue this on last together with the ammo pouch.
Tomorrow it's filling of gaps and undercoat if it's not raining.

A Cup Of Joes

So work continued today with the other three Joe Pineapple kits.
Trying to do three at the same time is quite mind boggling.
Here they are with the metalic purple and then transparent blue base coats on.
Work continues tomorrow after they have dried off.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

General Blackblood

General Blackblood arrived today. WOW!
Beautifully cast in white resin and in 12 parts he will stand around 10 inches tall when complete.
Awesome kit.
Roll on the next one.

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Joe Pineapples done.

This took a bit longer than I thought this week due to the crappy weather.
Anyway here's Joe all done.
Fantastic model.
Now on with number 2.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Joe update part 4

So today I've finished spraying up the armour of Joe. I spayed over the original base with transparent red and green the a metallic purple/blue.I then shaded with smoke and finally adding a lighter tone of the purple on top.
I then shaded the armour with pastels.
I blocked in the jacket, based the visor, badge and belt.
GW do a nice new wash called Nun Oil which I will use the highlight the joints.

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Joe update

This is a far as I've got with Joe.
I want to shade in-between the armour.
I still not sure what colour to do the gun.


Well here's all John's Dredd kits just before packing up for tomorrow.
Unfortunately I'm not gonna get Joe done due to the poor weather this week.
He will be done next week I think, see the next post.

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Joe Progress

Here's Joe with the first layer sprayed on.
I'm going for the purple version and then a transparent blue over that with other transparent's added in places, well possibly.
I first sprayed him in grey undercoat then a Ford Azure Blue over that and it looked bloody awful.
So I stripped it back and under-coated in black then the purple/blue over that building up the highlights.
Cracked it I think, was worried for a bit.
The other 2 Joe's are built and waiting in line.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

On with the Joe

Next on the production line and the last of John's kits is Joe Pineapples.
Taken from the pin-up by Simon Bisley.
This was sculpted by Graham Lind a superb job he did too.
The kit comes in 12 well cast parts.
Here he is after filling and a rub down and a bath in hot soapy water.
Next up will be part assembly before priming, but as it's pouring hard with rain some delay may happen.
I was going to get all 3 of the Joe kits done at the same time, but due to the above weather I don't think I'll get them all done so rather than rush them I will just do Johns.
Pete's I'll do next week.


Here's Big Dredd done.
A very difficult model in so much as no detail and the sculpt was un-refined.
I had the truncheon made as was missing from the kit.
The chain was glued in place, yes there are too many links but due to the fragility of the chain, I had broken 2 links trying to open them up, and rather than risk keep breaking them I went with it.
The model was pinned to the base, hopefully it won't break off due to the weight.
This is one I'm slightly worried about transporting.

Monday, 16 April 2012

Batman Die Laughing

Whilst waiting for the paint to dry here's Batman from Batman/Judge Dredd Die Laughing crossover.
As you can see Batman wares the time-belt.
No idea who did this one, stands about 8'' tall cast in a piece.
Still available I think from certain Thai producers via ebay.

Big Dredd Progress 2

Sprayed up the highlights on the leathers and then gave it a blue dust.
All pads painted.
Next up to tone up the pads.
Heads finished too.
Really wanted to add the lightning flash's on Dredd's visor but after I did it it just looked odd so to them out and just graduated the visor.

Prepare To Be Judged progress DONE.

Finished the Prepare To Be Judged kit this morning.
Here it is.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Prepare To Be Judged Progress 3

Body highlighted, all varnished and ABC War Robot head made and atatched. Just got to touch up some places.
I used a special rusting wash on the Robot head, not apparent from the pic but came out well.
The face has been done and masked the the flashing sprayed on and again as Big Dredd, carefully painted round. There was no line on the helmet at all this time so all free hand.
All bases varnished too.
That's it for tonight concentration has done me.
Hopefully I'll finish this kit and get a good way into Big Dredd tomorrow.

Big Dredd progress

Today Big Dredd had his leathers touched up and used as a try-out for highlighting the leathers which has worked well. I'm using opaque white mixed with German grey and building up the layers to give the leathers some form.

The face was finished and then masked off, then the red flashing around the helmet was sprayed on and then carefully painted to shape, bloody hell that was stressful.

Also here's the truncheon I had made for the left arm.

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Prepare To Be Judged progress 2

Prepare to be Judged coming along.
Trying to get a variety of different tones of blacks in for the costume as it's basically black.
The flesh tones went all wrong this afternoon, odd.
Having a break then try again.

These are the bases for BIG Dredd, Prepare to be Judged and Hershey. Just so you can see them John.

Angel Gang

Whilst waiting for the paint to dry thought I'd post up these kits.
What you have here are Mean Machine Angel sculpted by Martin Herrick, and Fink Angel sculpted by Steve Burns,
Both are 1/6th scale resin kits.
The Mean came with the base so it was a given that I had to pair them up.

Monday, 9 April 2012

Joe Pineapples kit update

The 3, yes 3, Joe Pineapples kits have all been rubbed down and some parts glued together.
These will be done after the two Dredd's are done.
Moving along nicely, pleased with my progress but annoyed that I felt ill for so long, at least 2 to 3 years which has contributed to my lack of progress, before I was eventually diagnosed and sorted out.

Big Dredd progress

The BIG Dredd is coming on.
All filled now and had his first rub down.
A bit more filling was done today, more rubbing down tomorrow.
The left hand has a curled fist which I'm sure should have something in it, a truncheon perhaps? Wasn't with the kit.
I'm having a truncheon made up for Dredd to hold, turned up on the lathe. Will look cool.

Prepare To Be Judged progress

Here's the Prepare To Be Judged kit assembled and puttied up.
I drilled the left hand through the fist so I could thread the ABC Warrior head spine through.
The ABC head has been drilled on the underside so the various pistons and wires can be attached.
The head is not glued in yet, I'll leave that till last for ease of painting.
Also the left shoulder pad isn't stuck on yet, again ease of painting.Whilst looking at said pad I thought it looked a bit short.
I found the other half tucked away under the bottom box flap, lucky catch that.
Lawgiver still to be attached, again leave until last.
Next up will be to rub down all the filler then attach the Robot wires and prime.
Shame the kit didn't come with the base in the picture.
Just found the name of the sculptor in the archives-Robert Cowley.
I need to clean this bench up

Roughly assembled kit

Friday, 6 April 2012

Prepare to be Judged.

Title of this kit is Prepare To Be Judged and comes cast in tan resin, consisting of around 16 resin parts and a bag of metal and wire which I presume is for the ABC Robot head.
This is the movie version of Dredd and the pose is quite odd.
The casting is quite poor with major seam lines and pour lugs needing to be removed.
I have shaved these back with the dremmel and the next step fill be to fill in the holes and rub back to smooth.
No idea who produced or sculpted this kit but do remember seeing it in Model Mart all those glorious kit years ago.

Box art

All the parts layed out

Here you can see I've removed the seams and cut off the pour lugs

The body is hollow cast, strange choice. This is going to need to be filled with expanding foam possibly

ABC Robot head and lawgiver


Here we have a huge Dredd kit.
Standing 17'' tall and weighing in at 2kg!
The kit has already been part built with some breakage along the way.
First off I stripped the paint back to the original resin using fairy power spray left in a bag overnight.
The paint was so thick in places it took 3 attempts to get the paint off.
Once I could see the kit it became apparent how much filling had been done to the model, quite poorly too.
I am now going to give the whole model a coat of grey primer then I can see more clearly what needs to be rubbed down, re-built and filled.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Judgement On Gotham Death Done.

Finished the Gotham Judge Death.
Quite a challenge this as there is no real detail to speak of in the sculpt.
I painted it close to the comic and added nails to the rib and chicken shoulder pads as in the strip.
I also added a length of chain to the meat hook that is through the shoulder pad.
To the base I added some grit around the feet as the kit doesn't stand flush to the base.
The skin I gave a coat of satin varnish, reason being I wanted the skin to look slippery as in when meat goes on the turn. Original artwork and model below.
So that's another done next up BIG Dredd.

Friday, 30 March 2012

Judge Death from Judgement on Gotham.

Here's a blast from the past right back to the garage kit boom in the USA.
Released by Gothic Garage and sculpted by Scott Patton it features Judge Death from the Bisley/Wagner/Grant graphic novel  Judgement On Gotham.
It came in 6 resin parts including the base and stands nearly 11'' tall.
The casting is rough. Very early garage kit standards in orange resin.
The kit was full of air bubbles which were filled in with milliput.
Here he is in primer ready for painting. I reposed the left hand arm as it looked odd in the position it should be.
I will add a length of chain to the rib shoulder pad and wrap it round the outstretched hand.
I also plan to add nails to the rib and chicken shoulder pads were they were hammered into place in the comic.

Tharg finished.

Tharg all finished. The skin was airbrushed in greens then pastels added.
The jacket airbrushed tones of blue with yellow striping.
Hair painted white and dry-brushed silver.
Feel the thrill power.